St. Andrews – 03/16/08

March 21, 2008

Wanted to goto North and West Bay but the ramps and a negative forced me to goto East bay, which I have a love/hate relationship with…I hate to fish it but the fish are usually bigger if you can find them..That leads me to fishing and looking at about 6 miles of nothing but finger mullet, pinfish and large trout. The large trout didn’t want a spoon and I blew a shot at nice sow with the fly rod.

I kept thinking that I wasn’t following my own post front advice, but I was seeing plenty of active bait on the shallow flats….after hours of not seeing a single red, I finally took my advice and eased up a creek….didn’t take long for me to feel the tap tap on the Texas Tackle jig and I hooked my first red of the day in the middle of a creek, unfortunately it came off at the boat …hind sight being 20/20 I should have listened to myself and fished the creeks.

Motored out to the flat and decided to finish fishing the flat out….same old mullet jumping and swirling…gold avenger goes down range and I feel the line go tight and the rod double over….oh yeah daddy still has it

Second fish of the day 27.25″ and 7 lbs of gold bliss

I decided to call it a day, didn’t have anywhere I wanted to fish and it was getting late….boat ran great, new trolling motor from South Georgia Outdoors in Cairo GA is awesome. The new Temple Fork Outfitters TICR X 9 wt is a thing of beauty, to bad there wasn’t any redfish seen to sample my offering…maybe next time .